人と人が対峙した時、その一瞬に双方間で交わされる無数のコミュニケー ションは写真では捉えきれないが、写真に写った人間でも同じ現象が起こり得ると考える。
A photographic experiment conducted in a small room reminiscent of a confession booth, designed to extract people's secrets. Inside this small room, the camera gives form and image to whatever is presented by the subjects (the viewers).
What will be captured is unknown until the experiment concludes.
Only the subject inside the small room knows the content.
For people unaccustomed to the act of 'opening up' about themselves, speaking about their most private aspects in front of a camera can be physically taxing and influence their inner psyche. The extent to which this influence surfaces varies by individual, but the photographs indiscriminately capture these transitions, showing these cross-sections to us.
In communication between people, the information obtained from non-verbal sources is often much more abundant and credible. When people confront each other, the countless communications exchanged in a moment cannot be fully captured by photographs, yet I believe the same phenomenon can occur with people in photographs.
In the absence of an absolute place to discuss one’s mistakes and regrets, everyone finds their own way to cope and manage their lives daily. In a culture where restraint is considered a virtue, setting up such a space for experimental photography can make the camera feel like another version of oneself, bringing out words, emotions, and thoughts one believed they didn't possess. This can extract emotions that lie in the human subconscious.
This is an experimental work regarding both photography and people, exploring how much a photograph can capture these aspects.